Retired LEOs can qualify and retake training regularly from their previously served law enforcement department.Active LEOs will be trained to the firearms standards of the state and their current department of service, which makes them eligible to LEOSA carry.State- or government-owned properties may also exercise prohibitions. They are still subject to the rule of private property, for example, and are forbidden to CC on a plane. The federal Law Enforcement Officers’ Safety Act ( LEOSA) allows active and retired law enforcement officers (LEOs) to CC, but there are parameters. Not have been convicted, pleaded guilty to or adjudicated as delinquent in connection with resisting arrest within 10 years of application.Not have been convicted, pleaded guilty to or been adjudicated as delinquent in connection with two or more assaults or negligent assaults within 5 years of application.Not be subject to a civil protection order or a temporary protection order of an Ohio court or a similar protection order issued by another state.
Not have been charged with falsification of a concealed handgun license.Not, within 3 years prior to your application, have been convicted, pleaded guilty to, or been adjudicated as delinquent in connection with a misdemeanor offense of violence.Not be under indictment, be charged with or convicted of any felony, trafficking in drugs, any other drug-related crime, a misdemeanor offense of violence, negligent assault or assaulting a peace officer.Not have been convicted of, pleaded guilty to or adjudicated a delinquent child for domestic violence.Not be under indictment for, and has not been charged with, convicted of or pled guilty to, a felony.Not have had a suspended concealed carry license from another state Certify that you have read the firearms safety pamphlet prepared by the Ohio Peace Officer Training Commission.Have completed an approved firearms training class (training is waived for active duty military and retired and honorably discharged veterans with proof of military firearms experience).

Be legally living in the United States.